About Me

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My name dus be Molly I is a 5 year old Yorkie wot has 3 fursibs and I dus wuffs my life lots. I has just started da blogging so pawlease dus bear wiv me!

Monday 20 August 2012


I would like to introduce you to da Cakecrusaders! We are five bestie pals who go on cayk crusades on twitter and sometimes ends up in trouble and involves alot of running!  So firstly here is the gang!


Phi is an American Eskimo dog she is pure white and quite possibly da nicest person on twitter she always includes all her pals in everyfink she does.  She wuffs her momma, her pals and da snow she dislikes taking baffs! 

Beautiful Phi in da snow!


Katie is my BFF and we is also sisfurs-in-law and just has da best time on twitter we is always up to no good and usually are pawsponsible for causing mayhem!   Katie is a shih-tzu, she wuffs her furpals and her noms her favourite nom is ice cream and cayk! She dislikes walking and noisy aeroplanes!

Computer Whiz Katie


Tommy is da brains of dis outfit he is a very successful lawyer and is da first to suppawt his furpals when day dus need help in his trusty pugcopter!   Tommy is a pug who wuffs his momma, belly rubs, helping out his pals and noms.  He dislikes behaving on his walks and being told what to do!  He wuffs all noms and eats anyfink!

Tommy da Lawyer

Aunty Debs

Aunty Debs is a wuffly hoomin and she helps us in our cake raids and never tells us off, she gives us all cuddles, ear scritches, belly rubs and lifts up to run wiv us if we dus gets into trouble!!!!  She is a very pawroud member of cakecrusaders and likes all noms dat we has speshully cayk!

Aunty Debs da dog lover!

And den dere is me but you can reads about me in da profile!

We dus not meets at any particular time but we has raided some really fun places likes Harrods and even da olympic stadium *laughs at memories* we quite often drop some noms if we has to many in our back packs!  Da greatest fing about cakecrusaders is dat we has fun and we will quite often has a raid if one of us has had a bad day or to cheer up our hoomins! 

My cakecrusader pals are all my BFF's for life I dus wuff all of dem very much and day has brightened up many a dark day for me!  So if you dus see us wiv da #cakecrusaders da chances are we are on a raid *giggles*

Fanks for reading! 

Sunday 19 August 2012

My Furend Keely

Dis dus be my first bloggy so if not bery good I dus pawpologise but dis blog is so I can put down some feelings about my dear furend @keely_bobs.  

I did meet Keely and her pawsome husband Tom when I first joined twitter In February and da boff made me feels so welcome and I was mesmerized by dere wuff story and how a kind and caring couple day was.  Keely always included me in conversations and I did ask so many stories about how day met and quite often *shakes head remembering* I would gets dem to repeat dere love story overs and overs again.  But Keely and Tom did never mind and always told me da story like it was da first time I was hearing it.

When we did all find out dat Keely was pawly we of course did all pawray for her to makes a full pawcovery and suppawt da familee and when MIL made da heartbreaking decision for Keely to makes da journey to Rainbow Bridge and ending Keely's suffering and pain dat she was in; we was all heartbroken and I didn't know what words to weally says to da familee and hopes dat we all did support da familee as best as we could.   I dus know dat Keely is out of pain now and surrounded by all furpals at Rainbow Bridge and she can run free like a young pup again but I not finks my heart dus know dis yet I knows dat one day it will.

Keely was da most loving, tender, caring, loyal and happy furpup dat I did know she so wuffed Tom and Winnie was quite clearly da apple of her mama and papa's eye.  Keely did have a serious side and was always dere to give kind words of wisdom but she had a "norty" streak as well I did have a few breakfasts with Keely and Tom and she did wuff her sossidges! 

When Keely went to Rainbow Bridge mama lit a candle cos I could sit and just fink about Keely and how she is now free from all da pain she went through.  We goes out efurry evening and I sit on da porch and look at da sky and dere always appears dis weally bright star dat is hurtling across da sky and I know dis is Keely running free and when I dus talk to Keely  it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside cos I know dat Keely is running.

So if you does see Tom and precious Winnie on Twitter day would appreciate your pawrayers and pawlease say a pawrayer for MIL.

Keely I dus miss you efurry day and I dus has days when da leaky eyes never stop and same days when I larf about da fings you loved doing.  You were a pup-in-a-million and when I make da crossing to Rainbow Bridge I can't wait to run wiv you.